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- Branche: E-Learning
- Unternehmensgröße: 201–500 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für Mehr als 1 Jahr genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
My Personal Language Teacher
This app is a brilliant invention! When you can't go to classes, just download this app and you will learn as much as if you enrolled in a language school!
What I like most about this software is it doesn't pressure me to learn at a regular pace. It gives me the freedom to take one lesson at a time though of course, it's recommended to practice daily.
None so far. I find this app very useful.
- Branche: Hochschulbildung
- Unternehmensgröße: 1.001–5.000 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
A Wonderful First Step
My overall experience has been satisfactory. I would recommend this app to anyone who does not know where to begin. However, those seeking more in-depth instruction should turn to other methods.
There are several features of Duolingo which I like. First, the gamification aspect is top-notch. It is designed to hook users for the purpose of learning a language. I also like how intuitive it is and the learner portal quality. Duolingo also has the feature to connect with friends around the world. This provides accountability.
I think there should be less focus on grammar and more focus on intuitively learning the language. Linguistic Anthropologists would agree that memorizing grammar is not the best step for language learning. There should be an emphasis on cultural slang/dialects. There should also be a focus on learning vocabulary, which is useful first. Then, the grammar can be introduced.
- Branche: Schreiben & Editieren
- Unternehmensgröße: Selbstständig
- Täglich für 6-12 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Too Focused on the USA
Easy learning system with a fun element.
It is is heavily slanted to the USA so uses US terms which we in the UK wouldn't use. Biggest gripe for me is I have been studying Spanish and only recently realised I have been learning South American Spanish.They should offer European Spanish and recognise users aren't all from the US.
- Branche: Bildungsmanagement
- Unternehmensgröße: 501–1.000 Mitarbeiter
- Monatlich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Easy and quick to learn
The repetitiveness of the words/phrases being learned
All the reminders to continue daily. Also if you know some of the language already, the beginning is rough to get through as it’s boring
- Branche: Bildungsmanagement
- Unternehmensgröße: Selbstständig
- Täglich für Kostenlose Testversion genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Mais aprendizado
Sim gostei e bem prática e de fácil acesso
Não tem nenhuma resposta negativa estou gostando
- Branche: Fotografie
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für Kostenlose Testversion genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Aprendizado com app
bom para ter como aprendizado diario e com pouco tempo, mas poderia ter processos diferentes para que não fique no mesmo processo de educação.
Facilidade de aprender e processo de ir subindo o grau para aprendizagem.
processo com poucos recursos e fica um pouco repetitivo apenas com mudança de palavras.
- Branche: Sport
- Unternehmensgröße: 11–50 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Un app fondamentale su ogni cellulare
Esperienza assolutamente positiva.Duolingo è un must!
Il software si presenta intuitivo e con un'interfaccia piacevole.Presentandosi quasi come un videogame ti insegna passo passo diverse lingue scritte e parlate.Il sistema di punteggio ti incoraggia ad esercitarti quotidianamente.I risultati sono assicurati !
L'unico inconveniente che ho riscontrato è che nell'apprendimento del giapponese non c'è un'opzione per skippare l'apprendimento degli alfabeti e imparare la lingua con i caratteri occidentali.
- Branche: Sport
- Unternehmensgröße: Selbstständig
- Wöchentlich für Mehr als 1 Jahr genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Nabi's Duolingo Review!
I like how I can learn several languages at the same time as well as gauge my progress daily!
Not much can be improved, I enjoy the whole experience of Duolingo and learning!
- Branche: Informationsdienst
- Unternehmensgröße: Selbstständig
- Täglich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Aprendendo idiomas
Muito fácil aprender com o duolingo, passamos dr fases e aprendemos novas palavras
No início é sempre as mesmas frases bem repetitivo mas a medida que vai subindo vai melhorando, talvez poderia ter a opção de aprender com jogos dentro do app.
- Branche: Automotive
- Unternehmensgröße: 201–500 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Fácil aprender línguas
O mais interessante é ser gratuito e de fácil utilização.
Não temos a possibilidade de melhorar e verificar a evolução da nossa pronúncia.
- Branche: Baumaterial
- Unternehmensgröße: Selbstständig
- Monatlich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Rekinda Dulingo review
Intergrating with people by learning language in a more fun way
It is easily accessible in both Android and iOs
The tests keep repeating and the words are not that useful at all time
- Branche: Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness
- Unternehmensgröße: 10.000+ Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Duolingo - learn many languages
Just the animation and how the things are developed, easy to follow the lessons and track the progress made.
Could not find an option to go back to certain lessons and repeat it again. Too many advertisements these days for free version.
- Branche: Hausmeisterservice
- Unternehmensgröße: Selbstständig
- Monatlich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Ótimo jeito de começar a aprender um novo idioma
Foi uma boa escolha para para me iniciar no inglês
As ilustrações que fazem fixar melhor o conteúdo na minha mente
Gostaria que houvesse mais vocabulário
- Branche: Hochschulbildung
- Unternehmensgröße: 501–1.000 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Imparare le basi di una lingua divertendosi
Nel complesso Duolingo risulta un ottimo strumento per imparare da zero (o quasi) una nuova lingua in una maniera stimolante e non noiosa. Gli esercizi sono vari e la presenza delle sfide giornaliere spinge l'utente ad utilizzare il software quotidianamente come se fosse un gioco. Non ritengo però che questo programma sia particolarmente consigliato per l'approfondimento di una lingua a livelli superiori in quanto alcuni esercizi possono alla lunga risultare banali.
Rispetto ad altri programmi, Duolingo utilizza un approccio molto ludico ed informale per stimolare lo studio e l'apprendimento di una nuova lingua. Il percorso di apprendimento risulta mirato in base al tuo livello iniziale di conoscenza, misurato tramite un test iniziale.Una volta fatto ciò, Duolingo spinge l'utente a svolgere quotidianamente gli esercizi sfruttando un meccanismo di sfide che stimola a non abbandonare il corso.La funzione gratuita offre già di per sè un buon numero di funzionalità sufficienti ma per chi volesse approfondire ulteriormente le conoscenze in modo più intensivo risulta possibile abbonarsi alla versione Premium ad un prezzo comunque non eccessivo.Il programma allena simultaneamente le conoscenze grammaticali, di ascolti e di pronuncia.
Il maggiore limite che ho riscontrato personalmente durante l'utilizzo di Duolingo è che questo programma risulta perfetto per l'apprendimento di una nuova lingua partendo da un livello base ma non appare altrettanto efficace per il rafforzamento delle competenze su una lingua di cui si ha già una buona padronanza in quanto alcuni esercizi possono sembrare banali e poco stimolanti
- Branche: Marketing & Werbung
- Unternehmensgröße: Selbstständig
- Wöchentlich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Great if you want to learn a lenguage easy a fast
Has help me with my learning in english
The app makes sure if you're learning well. It only takes a few minutes to use daily and its confortable to use
sometimes its a little too intense with the notifications but its ok
- Branche: Marketing & Werbung
- Unternehmensgröße: Selbstständig
- Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Learn languages playing
I have learned the English language in an easy, very enjoyable way, for free, taking the time I think is necessary.
You learn a language, as if it were a game, where you receive rewards when you do well and lose lives when you make many mistakes. It is very easy to use
It doesn't have soft music in the background.
- Branche: Papier & forstwirtschaftliche Erzeugnisse
- Unternehmensgröße: 201–500 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Melhor aplicativo para aprender idiomas
Ótimo aplicativo para aprender idiomas, super recomendo.
A versão gratuita deveria ter um período maior.
- Branche: Informationstechnologie & -dienste
- Unternehmensgröße: Selbstständig
- Wöchentlich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
If you need to learn a new language, what are you waiting for
Eh, in general, it has helped me a lot. It has improved my understanding of English a lot, in addition to the fact that I can now speak it more fluently, a marvel
To highlight that it is fundamental for learning a new language, in addition to the fact that it is very easy to use literally with images, something that supports you in your learningis free
Well, it has many positive things, only one of the negative things is that since it is free, some ads appear, so I have the paid one to avoid that.
- Branche: Gewerbeimmobilien
- Unternehmensgröße: 51–200 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für 6-12 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
the grove of cayce
i can talk to people that cant speak english
I learn there are 3 to 5 diffenet spainch
i have no cons at this time . i love the facti can take my time
- Branche: Computer-Software
- Unternehmensgröße: Selbstständig
- Wöchentlich für 6-12 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Duolingo honest review
"With every one of the positive credits that the application has, I accept an extraordinary and fun device might be utilized by kids and families for learning, however for spending recreation.""I essentially love it, and I prescribe it to every one of my companions and partners. It gained me headway such a huge amount in 3 unique dialects in an extremely brief timeframe.""Extremely charming experience and incredible for representatives who go universally and need to keep their insight up.""I could utilize this application when I had some leisure time and it makes learning a language fun. It keeps tabs on my development and you take up where you forgot about on your next use."
Each item accompanies a con however truth be told I tracked down no significant cons for the application. Subsequently it is truly charming. Be that as it may, in some cases the dreary tests might appear to be exhausting for the clients as the application at times raises similar illustrations over and over. The growing experience is a piece slow.
- Branche: Informationstechnologie & -dienste
- Unternehmensgröße: 10.000+ Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für Mehr als 1 Jahr genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
utile e divertente
permette di imparare diverse lingue in modo divertente
forse un po' troppo facile
- Branche: Grafikdesign
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für 6-12 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
excelente herramienta para aprender idiomas
en la vida cotidiana se utilizan diferentes idiomas y esta herramienta te permite fácilmente aprender un nuevo idioma y a desenvolverte mejor en la vida laboral.
ha ayudado a muchos de mis conocidos incluyéndome a aprender nuevos idiomas así que no tengo nada malo que decir.
- Branche: Automotive
- Unternehmensgröße: 501–1.000 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für 6-12 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Tradutor Online
Aprender linguas com facilidade e em pouco tempo.Facil de usar, com boa interface.
Função base do software tem poucas funcionalidades
- Branche: Möbel
- Unternehmensgröße: 11–50 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 1 Jahr genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Ottima per imparare
Ho imparato diverse lingue con Duolingo. Il software è di facile utilizzo e si articola in modo da poter apprendere sempre di più con il passare del tempo e l'avanzamento a livelli più difficili. Le tematiche proposte sono utili a chi vuole imparare anche da zero.
La conoscenza acquisita risulta limitata e limitante. Non sono pienamente soddisfatto della scarsità di informazioni e nozioni acquisite
- Branche: Medizinische Praxis
- Unternehmensgröße: 51–200 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für 6-12 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Duolingo: Excelente herramienta para el aprendizaje de idioma
Lecciones estructuradas en un ecosistema deducible para todas las edades.
Repite contenido de muchas lecciones superadas
- Branche: Krankenhausversorgung & Gesundheitswesen
- Unternehmensgröße: 501–1.000 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für 6-12 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Great app for new language learners
so easy to use and engaging. so useful for those looking to learn a new language relatively quickly
no cons great resource for all to be able to communicate with others
- Branche: Bibliotheken
- Unternehmensgröße: 201–500 Mitarbeiter
- Monatlich für 6-12 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Makes Learning Fun!
I like that Duolingo offers a variety of languages to learn. I like that it's very fun to use. I really like that it sends you notifications to gently nudge you to continue learning. One of the most helpful features is that you can go back and review your learning track to practice. The exercises are really fun, it's a great balance between translating from your native tongue to the language that you're learning and vice versa. I especially love that when you hover over a word you can hear how it's correctly pronounced and see how it's used in a sentence. I used Duolingo daily when I was preparing for a trip to Ecuador. I was able to pick up words and sentences and communicate efficiently with words and phrases on my trip.
I would like to select what words I want to learn a language for. For example, I would like to select to learn basic words/phrases for travel, food, etc. and then have my learning track based on that.
- Branche: Computer-Software
- Unternehmensgröße: 51–200 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Inglês com Duoling
- Opção gratuita e de fácil acesso;- Testes com áudio e texto.
- Não possui conversação;- Útil para níveis "básicos" de ingles.
- Branche: Bildungsmanagement
- Unternehmensgröße: 501–1.000 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Great for learned a second language
You target language learning goals at your own pace.
There is not anything that I do not like about this software.
- Branche: Textilien
- Unternehmensgröße: 5.001–10.000 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Necesita mejoras
Lo más destacable es la facilidad de uso y el diseño y entorno amigable. No hace falta invertir mucho tiempo para las actividades y se consiguen avances en poco tiempo.
Con el tiempo de uso acaba siendo muy repetitivo y monótono, lo que hace que pierdas interés. Debería actualizarse con más frecuencia e ir introduciendo nuevas actividades.
- Branche: Buchhaltung
- Unternehmensgröße: 201–500 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für 6-12 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Bad customer service
It's a fun way to improve a language knowledge
It's not the best for starting from the beginning. It works muvh better ig you already have some knowledge of the language.Customer service is horrible, or to bemore accurate, it does not exist. Once you have a problem and email them they do not get back to you.
- Branche: Psychische Gesundheitsfürsorge
- Unternehmensgröße: Selbstständig
- Monatlich für Kostenlose Testversion genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Friendly and proper to learn
It has allowed me to make small advances with the generation of conferences in another language, as well as the review of some day-to-day topics.
It is an easy to use product. Their images. colors and simple language make you want to learn through this application. The possibility of advancing in small steps allows a better perception of learning capacity.
In general I like the app; however, some situations are very repetitive which makes the lesson monotonous.
- Branche: Hochschulbildung
- Unternehmensgröße: Selbstständig
- Wöchentlich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
One of the best place to learn a new language
I learned Japanese with duolingo.It was very good experience overall.Courses are well structured which helps a lot in your learning process.The recent update has created some problems.But,all in all Duolingo is a nice place to learn languages.
This app is easy to use and courses are well structured.It makes learning fun.Interface is user friendly.Sequence of the lessons are well designed.It focuses on our weak portions and makes us revise those topics multiple times.It is surely one of the best platform to learn new languages.
The recent update has some drawbacks.Previously,a person could choose his learning path by himself.But,now the learning path is predefined and unchangable.If a person wants to revise earlier topics which he forgot,he can't do it now.Some times the questions are too much repititive which is not required.
- Branche: Informationstechnologie & -dienste
- Unternehmensgröße: 11–50 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für 6-12 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Learning with DuoLingo
I like its simplicity, and the fact the its integrated with a game which actually motivates me, very well thought!
Its simplicity is not only regarding its ease of use, but also when it comes to more complex things, so i would say it is more suited to begginers !
- Branche: Design
- Unternehmensgröße: 501–1.000 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Outil avec une interface très intuitive et un apprentissage ludique
Duolingo utilise des méthodes d'apprentissage ludiques, comme des jeux et des récompenses, ce qui est très stimulant pour l'apprentissage. Duolingo est disponible sur plusieurs plateformes, ce qui me permet de l'utiliser partout, à la maison comme en déplacement.
Je n'ai pas rencontré de problème avec cet outil pour le moment.
- Branche: Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness
- Unternehmensgröße: 10.000+ Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Imparare le lingue nei momenti liberi
Il vantaggio più grande di questo servizio è che lo puoi letteralmente usare ovunque e in qualsiasi momento, dagli spostamenti in metro alla fila mentre sei in ufficio postale. In più è semplicissimo l’utilizzo e davvero alla portata di tutti.
Il costo potrebbe scoraggiare qualcuno ad andare avanti, considerando che viene considerato più come un passatempo e meno come corso per il quale impegnarsi.
- Branche: Kunst & Handwerk
- Unternehmensgröße: Selbstständig
- Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Duolingo is the best and most intuitive app for learning languages the fun way.
Overall I consider it to be the best way to learn a language, both on the website and in the app. Learning is light and often you don't realize you're learning. The visual is quite beautiful and attractive, the colors, the images, audios. Learning becomes easy and the best: free of charge.
I've been using the app for over 9 years and it was with it that I was able to learn two languages and now I'm taking on an even bigger challenge, which is learning Korean. The practices are always a lot of fun, the audios and images help us to better assimilate the vocabulary and this makes learning practical and efficient.
A negative point is the difficulty of reporting errors so that they are resolved on time. Mistakes often happen that take away a life and the answer was correct. I know the idea is to have repetitions, but I could change it for more vocabularies and even add basic expressions to improve learning even more.
- Branche: Medienproduktion
- Unternehmensgröße: 11–50 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Duolingo is changing how people learn language
I have nothing but good things to say about Duolingo. It's the first app I open every day, and one of the last apps I use every night. The way they have gamified learning and paired it with AI to customize learning paths, for language learners of all skill levels, is utterly remarkable. I spent 12+ years learning French in school and Duolingo was able to break grammar and conjugation issues that had plagued me for more than 20 years. Merci Duo!
The way that Duolingo has built a community of language lovers through a gamified learning system is truly worth noting. The customized learning paths created for each user offers language learners of all skill levels to start confidently. Having tried all of the major language learning platforms before landing on Duo, I really can't think of a better place to get your family learning language.
The only con that I could list is that the profiles could be expanded to allow people to include their social media handles. It would be great to connect with other Duo users on, and off, the platform!
- Branche: Grundschul- & Sekundarbildung
- Unternehmensgröße: Selbstständig
- Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Duolingo is the world's best Language learning software.
My experience using Duolingo is the greatest. This is the most fun and intuitive way to learn languages. As an English teacher, I always recommend it to my learners. And they also have the greatest experience. You can trust. Try, and you will be amazed how it will change your life and language skills!
Simple and intuitive interface, nice illustrations, and test, easy frases to complete, great learning system, and much more options. Duolingo is definitely the best software to learn a new language. I love it.
Some ads just appear many times when you're learning on the free mode. But I think it's not a big problem. It's just a question of patience. When you don't pay, you just have to wait some seconds, while you see a new website and choose to visit or ignore. So, this is not so bad at all. You just keep learning after you skip the ads.
- Branche: Architektur & Planung
- Unternehmensgröße: 10.000+ Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für 6-12 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Evaluando Duolingo
Es un programa que me ayuda a pasar el tiempo, el aburrimiento, me divierte y aprendo al mismo tiempo. Sin dudas, más allá de algunas fallas que puedo remarcar, considero que es una muy buena opción para aprender idiomas.
Es realmente un programa muy entretenido, que me permite aprender, en cualquier lugar y momento. Siempre con contenido actualizado, completo y mediante el uso de dinámicas de juego, que hacen más fluido el aprendizaje.
Como punto negativo puedo remarcar, las notificaciones emergentes en la barra de estado y por mail. Suelen aparecer en momentos inoportunos, ser muy molestas y repetitivas. Aunque se pueden modificar y gestionar, considero que, en muchos casos, son excesivas.
- Branche: Informationstechnologie & -dienste
- Unternehmensgröße: 1.001–5.000 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Addictive and fun!
It's very fun, very modern. The paid subscription Super Duolingo is super affordable as well, but if you can stand ads, you are quite okay with the free version as well. I cannot imagine a better platform to learn a new language on the go, on your phone, tabler, or your PC's browser. Do not expect you to be fluent in a week or a month, but every bit helps. Be patient, enjoy the cute experience and check the Klingon language as well.
Learning languages with Duolingo sure is fun. I have used it for so many years to learn Czech and Japanese. From the cute interface and animations to the option to draw Japanese symbols on the phone screen, Duolingo offers a free and accessible way for anyone to learn new languages.
With their paid Super Duolingo plan, you can get rid of the annoying advertisements - I am one of those impatient people who don't like ads, have unlimited hearts, and you can also have a family plan where you can share the service with your loved ones at a very reasonable price. You can pretty much learn every major language plus some very "exotic" ones such as - Klingon(!!) and High Valyrian (!!!), both very important and useful in our daily lives. I am hoping for Duolingo also to add the option for us to learn Slovenian in the future. It's one of the less used languages but very dear to my heart.
The daily quests and the monthly challenges are fun as well and a reason for competitive users to log in more often and do their "daily grind." Without you realizing it, you will learn so many new words by simply spending 15 min per day, or an hour like me.
I will be honest - since I am a very competitive person, I spend a lot of time grinding for experience (XP) just so I can beat other users and advance in the leagues. Currently, I am in the Sapphire League, but I feel like giving up for a while because the competitive side of me blocks the one that wants to actually learn the language. Maybe don't make the competition and advancing into a higher league that tough?
- Branche: Chemikalien
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für 6-12 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
The best language learning app in the world.
With Duolingo I have been learning French, and previously, English. My experience with Duolingo has been great and I would definitely learn other languages with Duolingo.
What I like most about this software is that you can learn any language, from wherever you want and for free. I also like that the platform is very friendly, modern and easy to use. The user can do his lessons according to his schedule and that is also important. I also like that the platform adjusts to any age.
I don't think I have had any negative experience with Duolingo.
- Branche: Schreiben & Editieren
- Unternehmensgröße: Selbstständig
- Wöchentlich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
The great Duoling
Overall my experience was really good. And it's even worth taking more courses in the app, because we always feel like we're playing a game.
What I like the most is the gamification process.
The designs used, the proposed audios... everything was done with great care to make the user experience very comfortable and easy. And we can still interact with other users in a small forum that each lesson has.
There are few opportunities that I've checked, one being some typos in the answers... simple things to fix.
- Branche: Internet
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Amazing. I have taken my Spanish, French, and German to new levels. This is thanks to the ease of using the platform and customizing it to my goals in each separate language.
Learning languages on Duolingo is fun and simplified. The units are bite-size so as to not be overwhelming like the other language apps but also the not so simplified that you don't make meaningful progress. You can customize your learning experience based on your goals for learning the language you choose and I like that a lot. I am learning 3 languages at the same time and each of them has a different goal and allocated length. This is awesome in Duolingo.
I love Duolingo and it's the best out there in terms of learning a new language. I don't like the fact that they have not incorporated the Podcast into the App. I listen to the podcast on Google Podcasts and I think it would be even better with it in-app because then they can curate the podcast content better, based on everyone's level and fluency in the language.
- Branche: Krankenhausversorgung & Gesundheitswesen
- Unternehmensgröße: 1.001–5.000 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Daily Duolingo User
I have been learning Spanish for over two years with Duolingo and it has been a great help to me since my sister in laws family is from Puerto Rico and some of them do not speak much English. Duolingo has helped me communicate with them better and it has been a great experience.
I like the way the lessons are created to gradually increase in difficulty to ensure that learning is not overwhelming. Duolingo is very beginner friendly.
The only thing I dislike about Duolingo is the sounds it uses in the app and website. I usually just turn the sound off so it is not an actual problem for me.
- Branche: Bildungsmanagement
- Unternehmensgröße: 51–200 Mitarbeiter
- Monatlich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Duolingo is useful for those who want to study English on their own time.
It is a good alternative to the ETS Toefl exam program, which is a bit outdated and far too academic in its approach to teaching English. Students can easily get bored if the approach to learning is too dry.
I get the feeling that there aren't enough full-time staff to work and build the company, as Duolingo hasn't been around as long as other language learning businesses have. I think that once they build their brand, this could very well change and it will be reflected in a more elaborate website / portal, with more features to play with online.
- Branche: Informationstechnologie & -dienste
- Unternehmensgröße: 10.000+ Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für 6-12 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Language learning Application for free
Overall experience is best as there is no application you will find that to learn a new language at free of cost and each and every details of any language is given with proper meaning
Duolingo helps to learn lot of new things in any language you can learn any language from this application and you can take help and you will get hint to complete your assignments and audio effect helps a lot to learn any word correctly
The main worst thing of this software is that if you miss any assignment on daily basis you will loose your points and when you are pronouncing any word sometimes it can not detect properly
- Branche: E-Learning
- Unternehmensgröße: 51–200 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Looks like a game, although it works as a teaching plan!
I'm a happy user of Duolingo. I recommend it to my students. It's not possible to learn a language entirely only using a Duolingo (well, that's not surprising), but it's way easier if a student uses it. I like their new features (podcasts, short stories). I would like to see improvements on machine translation and to see more customer support when users spot mistakes in the phrases.
It looks like a game - beautifully designed and user friendly;
there are new features now and then (podcasts, short stories, grammar comments, etc.);
constantly changing and adding new material or diving the old one in different chapters;
works both on phone and on desktop device;
easy to keep track of learning.
There is a feature of "streak" - how many days in a row have you used Duolingo and earned XPs (points). However, if one can't keep up with the streak, usually it ends up in losing motivation to learn after all. This is especially true for those who had 100-200 days of streak (well, I'm one of them!)
Some topics are devided into so many small classes that they become too repetitive and might seem boring.
Sometimes the phrases you need to translate make no sense at all ("my blu turtle wears black jeans" style of sentences). Also, Duolingo lacks flexibility in terms of machine translation - it simply doesn't accept different answers to the same question, although it should
- Branche: Regierungsbeziehungen
- Unternehmensgröße: 1.001–5.000 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
I recommend Duolingo for persons trying to find the easiest way to learn a language.
My overall experience is very good. I normally use Duolingo to Practice Spanish and Mandarin mainly. However, I tend to jump to other languages occasionally to learn some basics in those languages.
The thing I like most about the Duolingo is that it is free and accessible on mobile phones. The app to me is like playing a game but learning a language at the same time.
The thing I like the least about Duolingo is that the assessments sometimes are a bit too easy. However, I understand that its necessary since everyone learns at a different pace.
- Branche: Psychische Gesundheitsfürsorge
- Unternehmensgröße: 11–50 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für 6-12 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Serious language acquisition available here
I have enjoyed 7+ months of daily challenges in Duolingo. I was already functionally fluent in Spanish when I began, but have seen improvement with this daily practice. I am learning new vocabulary and solidifying past knowledge, all while correcting mistakes I had picked up along the way.
I was pleased with the initial process. Duo gave me an initial assessment to determine my existing level of proficiency. This allowed me to effectively "test out of" as the entire first level and begin at a stage where my skills were instantly being challenged. This challenge made each session feel meaningful and has kept my attention over time.
I am using the free version, so it will probably not surprise anyone to learn my least favorite part are the ads. Included in the ads are ads for how to stop the ads, but I am not inclined to pay for the premium features. While less ads would make it quicker, even the ads are not excessive to the point of being overly annoying.